Monday, December 07, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

We've been busy little elves this weekend!

We had a lovely Breakfast with Santa in our parish hall, and then we went out to the tree farm to get our Christmas tree. As we were strapping the tree to the roof, it started snowing, which made the kids go nuts. Especially since Fiver told my mother that it would definitely snow while we were getting our tree.

She tried to tell him gently that it might not snow at the exact moment we were bringing our tree home, but now that God has proven him right there will be no living with him.

We decorated our tree as the snow fell (which Francie pronounced to be "MAGICAL!"), and then the kids all put out their shoes for good old St. Nicholas. I'm happy to say the he did not forget them.

Sunday was supposed to be reserved for my first round of Christmas baking, but I elected to loaf around (and even nap!) instead. It was totally worth it.

One of these kids is totally wild (in a good way). Guess which one.

Four little shoes for St. Nicholas

St. Francis getting a snow shower

Fiver next to "the best tree ever!"

Francie was the only one who kept her hat and gloves on in the frosty weather.

Even Nanook of the North left her mittens behind

And this kid's mittens didn't stand a chance -- you can practically see the thought-bubble above his head: "You know . . . these mittens look like they'll be REAL easy to lose."

Of course, then I get this face, which says:
"Mom. Mom. Mom. My hands are SO COLD!"

Now it's back to the daily Monday grind. But at least I get to wash the floors in the glow of Christmas tree lights. That makes everything better, my friends.


  1. We have a picture with Monster making a very similar face, at nearly the same age. It is in the church directory. We figured it was perfect, let people really know what they were getting into at our parish. ;)

  2. Fun!! Christmas lights and decorations do make a house feel much more like a home, don't they? And now you've made me realize that I forgot St. Nicholas Day :(

  3. everything IS better by the glow of Christmas lights ;)

  4. I think our little men would get along REALLY well. :). Haha. Glad u had a great was good seeing u!

  5. SO CUTE!!! I love how Fiver got his snow, and the picture of Bun vs. mittens was a riot. Sounds like a perfect weekend indeed. Your kids will always remember it.


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