Thursday, May 09, 2013

Theme Thursday: Mom

I'm joining Cari at Clan Donaldson for Theme Thursday this week.  Because, in spite of copious evidence to the contrary, I still blog here.  Just look at the ten half-finished posts in my drafts folder.

This week's theme is "Mom," and it turns out I have quite a few pictures here on the old hard drive that fit the bill.  I'm no great shakes photographer, but I figure I have the wherewithal to post some maternal pictures.  You know, as an early Mother's Day shout out and all.

First, the beautiful classics.  The role models. These ladies are unsurpassed in my life.

My grandmother with her first baby, my mother.  I love the way she is nuzzling
my mother's cheek.  Mothers and babies never change.
This is our first mother's day without my grandmother. I miss her.

My pretty, pretty mother, in high school.
Don't be jealous of her awesome hair and naturally thick
I still think my mother has the prettiest green eyes
I've ever seen. 

Who wears short shorts?  My mom.
Seriously, why can't I look like that after I have my babies?
Genetics only gets me so far, I guess.
(That's one of my mom's best friends, Aunt D, holding me)

My mother, rocking the fashions of late '76.  I actually love her coat and
brown boots, but she was so dainty that I would never fit into her clothes.
And I mightily wish we still had the coat that I was wearing.
My parents called it my "Joseph Coat."

My fantastic mother-in-law and Baby.  They share the same name, first and last.
Very cool.  I'm so blessed to have a mother-in-law who dotes on my children.
Some can't or don't or won't for whatever reason, you know.  Not mine.

And now, me. Mother of 7.  When in the heck did that all happen?!  It is the biggest privilege and blessing of my life to have these people call me "mom."

This is my Mopsy belly.  
Yes, I have children the size of 2 month olds.
Also? I really miss the good hair hormones of pregnancy.

Riiight before they cranked up the pitocin with Mopsy.
If this had been taken 10 minutes later, you would have seen me trying to knock
myself out with a hammer.  I'm sure it would have been less painful.

Not too shabby for having an unmedicated, pitocin-fueled labor.

And this is my Baby belly.
Yes, she was even bigger than Mopsy.
Still miss those awesome pregnancy hair hormones.

What you can't see is not-quite 1 year old Mopsy sitting on
my huge belly housing her baby sister.  That's what happens when
you have babies less than 14 months apart.  Instant baby shelf.

Another induced labor, this time for Sally.
Why am I always looking so jazzed to get induced?
It's really not that great.
Except for the baby at the end, of course.

My Sally-girl.  The calmest, sweetest baby ever.

Mr. Bun gettin' his Catholic on, baptism-style.

Francie and me, then. Not so long ago.
See?  Nuzzling never changes.

Francie and me, now.
(courtesy of a photo booth in NYC)

Happy Mother's Day, my friends!

(BTW, I think this post officially contains the most pictures of myself I've amassed in one place. Ever.  Makes me feel weird. It will most likely never happen again. But it does make me realize I have no picture of me with the Magnificent Seven.  I need to fix that.)


  1. Aimee! I love this so much. I love that you are in so many of the pictures- Mom should be IN the pictures (not just taking the pictures!). I especially love the photo booth shots (cool mom points!) right below you and younger Francie. So precious.

    Happy Mother's Day!!!

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    These are wonderful photos!! And you're right, mamma nuzzling babies never changes. Thankfully! :-)

  3. Darling post! LOVED seeing all the pictures of you :) !!

  4. Love. I saw the "recreate a picture of you and your mom with you and your child" on Pinterest, and I'm so happy to see that you recreated it here.

  5. You're so cute, why wouldn't you post pictures of yourself! I love the ones with you and Francie - before and after.

  6. Aimee!! I loved seeing pictures of you!!! And your mom is beautiful! (like you)

  7. GeeGee5:33 PM

    Oh Aimee,

    I really loved this post. I really miss Granny. She was as happy and loving with each of her babies as she was with me. Her life, as you know, was all about her God, her husband, and her babies (which eventually came to include grandchildren and great-grandchildren)She loved us all so much...

    I would like to take this opportunity to let your blogging friends know what an incredible mother you are. I am so proud of the beautiful woman you are. You are the heart of your family and your devotion to your vocation is grandchildren are happy, healthy, loving human beings. I am most amazed by your unselfishness: you truly put Rob and your children before your own interests, and you do it so well, without losing self-respect. I admire your patience, your sense of humor,your humility, your courage of conviction...I don't possess any of those virtues, so I know that you have made a conscious effort to cultivate them. You are my "ideal" woman...I love you. Happy Mother's Day, my "loved one"....

  8. this post was totally awesome.

    and geegee's comment made me cry. in a good way!

  9. Oh my goodness, GeeGee. You made me cry. You both are remarkable. Happy Mother's Day!


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