Friday, May 04, 2012

April May Be The Cruelest Month, But May Is The Busiest

I used to wonder why my mother would groan when we flipped the calendar to May.  Then I had children who went to school and I found out why.  Any event or activity that could possibly need to be on my calendar happens in May (or early June, at the latest).

May is killin' me, and we're only four days in.

I do love May, and all the things pencilled on my calendar are great, it's just that there are so many of them.  Birthdays, May crowning, first communions, recitals, spring concerts, baseball games, and she'll have fun, fun, fun, til she collapses at the end of the day . . . .

I don't even really have enough time to do Quick Takes since I am supposed to go to Book Club in four hours and according to my Kindle app I am only 54% finished with the book.  And I still need to shower thanks to my late treadmill run.  The ladies at Book Club will thank me for that more than finishing the book, I'm sure.

So I am leaving you with this:

Bun's obsession with Angry Birds.  He draws them all the time, and labels every single one "Angry Birds."  I am not joking when I say that there are 17 of these drawings on top of my desk right now, each looking remarkably like the other.  

And now I'm off to feed Baby before I have another Angry Bird on my hands.

PS:  But before I go, I just have to brag on Francie for a minute.  She totally rocked her performance of the Queen of Hearts in the school's production of "Alice in Wonderland, Jr." and her Academic Bowl team (think "Jeopardy" for middle school), where she is the only 7th grader who made the team, just crushed the other schools in the District 2 competition last weekend  (but in a Christian way, of course).

Rob said that she contributed very well to the team's answers all day, but in the championship round, she turned on the gas and blew them out of the water.  The moderator asked her afterwards if she was a robot, that's how fast she was ringing in.  To paraphrase Jane Austen: I knew she couldn't have been that smart for nothing . . .  

Not too shabby for a school that didn't even exist last year, huh?!  We are so proud of the kids on the team for all their hard work.  Sunday is the diocesan competition, but no matter what happens, I don't think they'll ever be as happy as winning that first time as a team.


  1. Congrats to Francie! Sounds like she's a smart and talented little lady.
    I'm so busy right now that I actually melted down yesterday (pregnancy hormones) and cried to my husband. Poor man...
    May is so busy that I never know whether I'm coming or going. Hang in there and I hope you get through it unscathed.

  2. I know. May is worse than December, even--and that's saying something.
    Congrats to Francie and her proud family!
    And the Angry Birds drawings--so cute.

  3. May is so very busy isn't it?! My poor mother runs around with her head chopped off all month between the crowning and communion prep- she's a catholic school teacher (your neck of the woods- Limeport St Mike). I don't have quite that much on my plate, but wowee still busy.

    Good work for francie!!

  4. Go Francie!!! And yes, we are experiencing lots of May busyness- June is also booking quickly. I don't see any lazy days of summer on the horizon...

  5. I love the Angry Birds drawings - they're quite good! Bubba also loves Angry Birds. Our May is also absolutely insane, and now that both kids are in school, 2 different schools, it's even worse. And good for Francie! I've recently started blogging again, so maybe in June, when you have a little time again, you can stop by and say hello. :)


Go ahead and say it. You know you want to.