Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

I've not been feeling love for the blog lately, hence the sparse posting.

I've been burning the candle at both ends on various projects, and if you add in the various illnesses that have been floating around The HomeFront, you can begin to see how my little spot here has grown lonely.

But there is a large part of me that believes that writing is a discipline; the more you write, the more you will write. I can still hear my English professors in college telling us to write, write, write, no matter what you're writing.

Of course, this blog is not literature. It's not even a mediocre college paper. And even though it's just a place to air out my thoughts, part of me still feels like I should be more disciplined with my writing.

Then again, it's easy to get out of the swing of things in a medium like the internet, so I'm hoping this early daybook will help me get a jump on the week.

FOR TODAY: February 7th

Outside my is dark, cold, and snowy. Of course, we didn't get nearly as much snow as parts to the south, but we got enough for me.

I am thinking... about my Bun, and feeling badly that his birthday slipped by without much of a ta-da. Illness and weather and other family obligations conspired to keep us otherwise occupied. I didn't make him a cake or buy him a gift or anything fun. But we did sing to him and his siblings were very kind to him, so maybe that's about all a two year old needs. He certainly didn't seem to mind.

I am thankful for... some good health around these parts finally. My bathrooms have never been so disinfected.

From the kitchen... fresh muffins for tomorrow morning's breakfast.

I am wearing... my favorite khakis and a sweater that is robin's egg blue. I am dreaming about spring.

I am creating... a lengthy and ambitious house cleaning/organizing list. The combination of nesting and spring cleaning may be the death of me this year.

I am going... to start thinking about organizing another baby pool here on the blog. It's always so much fun for me to hear what everyone else thinks.

I am reading... nothing right now. I've heard of several books that sound promising, but I just haven't been able to get out and get anything new.

I am hoping... for healing and peace for the families of two different friends, both of whom are going through incredibly hard trials right now.

I am hearing... the Superbowl. It's sort of nice to watch a hyped up game that is not being played by a team in which I am emotionally invested. It takes away that awful suspense.

Around the house... all the homey sounds of a busy household settling in for a long winter's night.

One of my favorite things... ginger ale. I rarely drink it, but lately I have been craving the crispness of an icy glass of ginger ale.

A few plans for the rest of the week: a whole lot of the usual routine, and then possibly taking Francie out to the movies this weekend. We're supposed to get more snow mid-week, so I guess we'll have more shoveling to do as well.

For more daybooks, visit Peggy.


  1. It was nice to watch the big game without an emotional investment. I was rooting for NOLA (geaux Saints!). Without a hometown dog in the fight, we picked the saints cause...we're Catholic. and i think NOLA deserves the pick-me-up.

  2. We watched the game, too. But not without emotional investment! Tigerfan is a lifelong Saints even through the aint's years. Lets just say there has been much screaming and much rejoicing in the Tigerden!

    Tigercub's birthday came and went without much hoop-la, too. His birthday is Dec. 29 and it is just so doggone hard to fit it in among Christmas activities. He didn't seem to mind much either but I'm pretty sure he will change his attitude in a couple of years!

    Have a great week!

  3. I am also dreaming of spring, and I don't even have the kind of weather you do. But today is rainy and chilly and that is okay too, because I'm in a rainy and chilly mood. :) And the projects that need to be done are making my head explode. Most of them won't get done any time soon, but that doesn't mean I don't think about them.

  4. I agree- it was so RELAXING to watch the game this year! As for Bun, you and the family gave him the best kind of gifts on his big day and I'm sure you're continuing to beyond his birthday :) By the way, I realized that it was ridiculous to keep you bookmarked as I am daily coming here, so I am happy to report I am your newest follower of the documented sort ;)


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