Monday, June 08, 2009

And This Is Why I Love Him

Knowing that my Impossible Dream is to be skinny, Rob came to me a few days ago and told me that he had heard a report on the radio about an interesting medical study.

Apparently, curvy women are smarter, live longer, and have smarter, healthier offspring than their skinnier counterparts.

Thank you, darling, that made my day.

(Even though I'd still like to be skinny.)


  1. Wow! That may well be the best news I have heard in a long time...I think I'll go celebrate with a chocolate bar!

  2. My goodness! If "curvy" is good, does that mean I am going to be the most intelligent 100-year-old mother of marathon-running doctors and professors you ever saw??? Lovin'it!

  3. Wonderful news! So if I lose weight, I'll lose brain cells, right? Nuf said.

  4. I'll take it!
    Pass the brownies. I made some for Big Brother and his friends who were working on a school project. Silly me. Teenage GIRLS don't eat brownies. Now if there had only been guys in his work group, one batch of brownies would have disappeared in 2 minutes or less.

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM

    My kids are sooooo smart.

  6. That's awesome. I love that someone has finally appreciated my curves.

  7. That certainly IS good news!!!


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