Friday, August 03, 2007

When the Moon is in the Seventh House . . .

The end of this week has been as close to perfect as it comes, my friends. At long last we have a new dishwasher! I know you were on the very edges of your seats, wondering if I would ever be free again from dishpan hands, and I thank you for your concern.

After being jerked around by installation guys, and all other manner of setbacks that are too boring to relate but have caused me to become a shrieking harpy, I was so pleasantly surprised to find The Dishwasher Guy (as named by The Boy) on my front porch on time. On time, my friends! I mean, the first guy didn't even bother to show up so you can see how my expectations might have been slightly lower than "on time."

TDG was even chipper and personable, despite lugging around two dishwashers in the 295 degree heat. He didn't mind being interrogated by a four year old perpetual question machine, and he was whistling. Whistling! Where did he come from, and can he come back do some more projects around here? It only took him one hour to remove the old dishwasher and install the new one, and as soon as he pulled out of my driveway, I began dancing around the new dishwasher. I loaded it up with so many dishes and I don't even think they were all dirty, but I was past the point of caring.

Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, Rob walked in the door with our babysitter in tow. We were off on our annual pilgrimage to the movie theater, and we chose to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Good movie, although I've been told that it left many little details out because of time. I read the book so long ago, that the sieve I call my brain has failed to retain many of the little details anyway, so I just sat back and tried not to fall asleep. It doesn't take much, and a comfy chair and a darkened theater sometimes push me over the edge. Oh, but then the movie started and Holy Biceps, Batman, when did Harry Potter get hot?! I mean, the last time I saw a Harry Potter movie, the kid looked about seven years old. Now . . . well, let's just say that I did not fall asleep during the movie.

We came home to find all the hooligans asleep, and our smiling babysitter still willing to work for us in the future. As Rob took her home, I went into the kitchen and kissed my new dishwasher goodnight before I headed upstairs to bed. All in all, the perfect ending to a great day.


  1. dude?!?!?!?! gary oldman was in it?!?!?! man, i love him- and i had wondered where he had been lately...

    the title of this post threw me, because i just saw a local production of "Hair" with my brother the other weekend.

    good for you gettin' out and gettin' your rocks off to hot young man action! oh- and congrats on the dishwasher too! : )

  2. yay for dishwashers! i, personally, have a portable dishwasher that never needs installing and only rarely needs repair. Her name is SmartyPants. ;) Her Mommom helps her do the dishes now and even though my mom has an actual dishwasher, she rarely runs it. It's funny to see SmartyPants stare longingly at said dishwasher while her hands are submersed in the soapy water. It's only funny because it's not ME!
    Glad you two got out and enjoyed a night together :) It's necessary sometimes to do that.

  3. Harry got hot when he turned 18! Well, okay, he was 17 or so I guess when they filmed the movie. But I know what you mean. They actually left out a huge detail (in my opinion) regarding Kreacher. I was disappointed b/c he plays a role in the last book (that's all I say so as not to spoil). Yea for a date and a new dishwasher. I don't think there could be a better day.

  4. Dishwashers, dreamy hubby's, perfect sitters....may you not awaken anytime soon. :)

  5. When my dishwasher broke the guy, after figuring his truck would hit the trees that lined our long driveway, actually carried the dishwasher to the house ON HIS BACK!!! They must be angels in disguise.

  6. Kissin the dishwasher?

    Did you hear that Harry Potter did a naked stint in Equus? Check this out:

    Yup, hot.

    Congrats on the new DW!


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