Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Free Online Dating

I've seen these ratings floating around the blogosphere, and I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'll be honest - I was expecting a "G" rating because nobody gets as plain vanilla as yours truly. So imagine my surprise when I saw that parental guidance is recommended for this blog. Rock on! I'm living on the edge! Good thing most of you are parents, or at least adults - you may read on with impunity! (and kids, if you are reading this, make sure you're folding laundry while you're reading. Love, Mom)

Then I saw the words that got me a PG rating: Pain (2x) and Breast (1X). What the *&^&$$#?

Anyone with a blog about kids ought to have the word pain in there somewhere; isn't that in the Mom-blog by-laws or something? And breast? Really? It's not like I called anyone a pain in the breast or anything. Maybe that would have netted me a PG-13. And what about all those times I used the word heck or jerkface or crap? Come on, crap has got to count for more than pain!

So much for my edginess.


  1. Whoo-Hoo!!

    I never thought I'd be a XXX star, but today I am sure that I am.

    Shoulda sprung for that Brazilian wax.

  2. no wonder i would get a warning before being able to read your blog! LOL Just kidding!!
    i agree on the 'pain' bit, though. If the blog is about motherhood, the word PAIN will be in that story SOMEWHERE. And to be completely honest, so would breast in lots of cases. Uh i've added to the breast word count on your you really WILL be PG-13 for overuse of the word breast! OOPS! i said it again! LOL

  3. I guess people complained, because I WAS PG-13 for "death" and "abortion" but now I am rated G even though it still comes up with those 2 words. Go figure.

  4. I have always loved your bad a*% streak!

    Hope you guys are good. hope we can get together before the summer ends!

  5. We've always known about your potty mouth... just didn't think that these would be the words to jack up the rating on your blog. ;)

  6. Love it - you need to get some bling on, baby, to go with that bad a%& rating! Just heading over to find out MY rating....

  7. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I am a boring G. I think it is because I use words like tatas and tushy. You must start speaking in code to get back to a G.

  8. Oh my gosh, I'm in tears over here. Laughing, not crying. Thanks for this. I clicked on the link and found out that my blog is rated R because I have the words hurt, dead, torture, pain, and shoot. Please stop by for a visit sometime. I'll try and clean up my act but I have a 5 year old son so I can't promise anything.

  9. Oh yeah, my blog is rated G. HOw lame!! My other blog is also G, even though I reference Death and Pain a few times. Gotta get some breasts on there, I guess...

  10. Mommin' It Up got a PG-13 for the words HURT and PUKE - also staples of motherhood!! What a bunch of lightweights! I still think you're edgy.


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