Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY: March 16

Outside my window... I can finally see some sun! We've had some wild March weather for the past week and we could use a chance to dry out.

I am thinking... that I'll probably keep Sally home from pre-school altogether and teach her here. I know it sounds silly, but I love the sweet pre-school time and part of me really wants to send her, but she does not want to go. She's perfectly content with the idea of kindergarten, since she'll be going to the same school as Francie and Fiver, but she wants nothing to do with pre-school. She's smart as a whip, with most of the credit going to the perpetual classroom of Life in a Large Family. She loves to sit and "do homework" with the big kids, so I don't think there will be a lot of arm-twisting if I tell her that she will have school at home next year. Sally is such a dear little soul (not that my others aren't, of course), and the more I reflect on it, the more I think that these early days with her are something I don't really care to give to anyone else.

I am thankful for... my family and friends who have been picking up a lot of my slack lately, especially Rob. He works like a dog all day and then comes home to chaos and never loses his cheerful disposition. I don't know how he does it. Maybe he hits the supply closet and medicates himself before he comes home.

From the kitchen... planning our St. Patrick's Day dinner. I haven't felt much like cooking for the past couple of weeks, and dinners have been spartan. I'll try to make the feast of St. Patrick an actual feast. And if I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll make something good for the feast of St. Joseph as well.

I am wearing... my flannel nightgown. Sally was sick during the night and we are all moving slowly this morning. In fact, I'd love to go back to bed, but Bun hits the ground running every morning so that ship has sailed.

I am going... absolutely nowhere. I have a lot of places I want to go, but with sick kids and my constant hip/pelvic pain of late pregnancy I will spend yet another day at home. It's not a bad gig, though, all things considered.
I am reading... Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander. This is the fourth book in a series of mystery/suspense novels set in Victorian England. They are quick reads, which is about all I can handle right now, and I have enjoyed the series very much. Now I'll just have to wait until she writes another one.

I am hoping... and PRAYING that this baby is head down when I go to the doctor tomorrow. The baby decided to go heads up last week and so much of our energy was spent trying to turn the little one, including a quick trip into Labor and Delivery. (Hence the light posting) I'd really like to avoid a c-section and go into labor alone, but I know it's all out of my hands anyway.

I am hearing... the kids watching a television show. It's what we do on sick days.

Around the house... now that the sun is out, I can see the dust that has settled on all my furniture. Time to do a little sweeping up around here.

A few plans for the rest of the week .... a little pre-baby prep work: make sure the Easter outfits/baskets are ready to go since I might be in the hospital/just home when Easter comes, wash a few basic baby clothes, clean up the infant car seat and figure out the new seating arrangements in the van. Oh, and I guess I should make sure I have some things to throw in a bag for the hospital for myself, huh?

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

We're enjoying the fickle March weather -- one minute sunny, the next minute raining, and always with the threat of one last snow fall . . .
Sally always looks forward to the Return of the Yellow Rain Boots.

The Swing King

(for more daybooks, visit Peggy)


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I think I work more like a hedgehog than a dog...

    Besides, in the words of King David, "Be a man!"

    Love you!

    Padre Cinco

  2. Sorry about the sickies. We have managed to avoid it so far (knock on wood) but the stomach virus is on a rampage around here!

    Do not feel a bit bad about taking things a bit easy. You are going to need all your strength very soon!

    Love the pictures, especially the yellow boots. Tigercub ADORES his yellow boots!

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Oh, your thoughts on Sally bring a tear to my eye. You are such a good mom!

    And that picture of Bun is making my uterus feel very, very empty.

    Saying some prayers for a head down and healthy immune systems.

    Glad you posted today. I was getting worried I lost the pool.

  4. They're too cute! Hope everyone is well soon. Tell Tiebreaker to keep that head DOWN and feet up! Oh, and keep your feet up as well, OK?

    For the record, Little Brother didn't really attend preschool although I did take him to the public high-school's "child care" class where they read stories and let the kids use play-doh, paint, scissors and other things that I am not crazy enough to let my child use at home. 1 hour a couple of days a week. I was told by a kindergarten teacher (not his teacher) that he would be very far behind when he got there. He started kindergarten able to add 2-digit numbers IN HIS HEAD, thankyouverymuch. No teacher has complained about his lack of preschool. It sounds like you are doing the best thing possible for you and Sally--what could be better than that?

  5. I've been so having you and the baby on my mind- thanks for the updates, I'll be praying!! I hear you about wanting to be in control of the birth, but knowing it will ultimately be out of your hands.

    Ok and can I just say how AWESOME it is to be here and have a fellow friend mention St Joseph's Day!! Yay! He is the patron Saint of our house and I just gathered up some groceries for our celebration feast this weekend. Italian all the way- broiled sausage, stuffed artichokes, pasta and of course cream puffs. YUM!

  6. I hope that little one is facing in the right direction for you.

    And I don't blame you about the preschool. It's such a wonderful time. I miss it so much. I goes by in the blink of an eye and then they are in school and no longer "yours".

    Happy St. Patricks Day :)

  7. I hope everyone gets better soon. My allergies may have turned into a sinus infection, I'm not sure. Yesterday I barely made it through the day. Ugh.

    I'm the opposite on keeping kids at home--I'd really like to send TJS and LCS to Mother's Day Out this fall, but I don't think we'll have the extra money. I would just like to have a couple of days where I only have to haul around one child to run errands, rather than three. But I've done it before and I can certainly do it again.

    Your big day draws near! I'll be praying that Baby is head down and ready to go.


Go ahead and say it. You know you want to.