Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A, B, C's of Thanks

Laura, the ever enterprising maven behind Catholic Teacher Musings, is hosting her inaugural Gratituesday. She has done it up alphabetically and invited her readers to do the same.
I've got about two hours left in my Tuesday, so here are a few things that I feel grateful for today:
Apples with caramel dip
Bun, and babies safely born
Clothes warm from the dryer
Dimetapp for coughs and colds
Exercise in the comfort of my warm house
Francie and Fiver
Granola fresh from the oven
Home cooked meals
Ibuprofen for infants -- and mommies.
Jelly and toast
Kisses from Rob
My Big Redneck Wedding. This show is flat out hilarious.
Oranges, freshly peeled
Pumpkin muffins
Quiet house. Knock wood.
Robe to keep me cozy
Visits with friends
Wireless internet to go with my laptop
Xpress checkout at the supermarket
Zzzzz . . .
And there are about four hundred more answers for each letter, but my scant three hours of sleep last night are catching up with me.
Must . . . stop . . . blogging . . .
'Night, my friends.


  1. I love pumpkin anything...and I love TRUST too.

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    That is an awesome list. I might have to participate if she does it again.


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