Sunday, November 04, 2007

And the WinnerS Are . . .

You read that correctly, I said winners, with an "S". As in the plural of "winner."

Because you all came out in droves for this CD, I decided that I would give away two copies! Plus, our mall just opened a fancy new Barnes and Noble, and with my membership card and their coupon, getting another copy was a steal.

I loved all of your comments, but I really did go for the blind pick. I used, a random number generator, to select two winners, since I'm feeling a little under the weather and I couldn't muster the energy to write over one hundred numbers on little slips of paper for one of my kids to draw out of a hat. Plus, I don't even know where all our hats are, so you can see how it would have become a huge process.

Without further ado, I give you my Fall, Y'All Giveaway Winners:

Saralyn of The Place Beneath

Barb of SFO Mom

Congratulations, ladies, and may your families become as tormented as mine by the constant repetition of this CD. I will drop your (unopened, I promise!) copies in the mail as soon as I get your addresses.

Rock on, my friends!


  1. Yippee! Can't wait to listen to this. Thank you!

  2. Congrats Barb and Saralyn!

    feel better Aimee!

  3. Well, I guess that's another item Santa can add to my wish list. ;)

  4. Congrats to the winners! Thanks for hosting a give-away…it was a lot of fun!!

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My ears are tingling with anticipation...

  6. Boing, boing, boing! That's me jumping up and down! I received my package today! Thank you so much!

    I'll properly thank you via "snail mail" but I wanted to let you know it got here safe and sound. Music to wash dishes by tonight--hooray!


Go ahead and say it. You know you want to.