Thursday, August 16, 2007

Welcome, Baby Boy!

I'm an aunt again! Rob's youngest sister delivered her first baby this evening and we are so excited. She was two loooong weeks overdue, and it was a looooong labor that ended in a c-section, but her little boy is here and healthy. Please say a little prayer for this new family member, my friends.

As a fun aside: With this new little one, we now have three cousins with birthdays on the sixteenth, and they are all in a row. Older Girl is July 16th; New Cousin is August 16th, and my niece, CutiePie, is September 16th. How considerate of my sister-in-law to wait two weeks past her due date to make this little birthday arc. Of course, Rob doesn't want me to forget that he started the whole thing with his birthday on January 16th. Maybe I should start talking to our new baby now about the merits of arriving on February 16th.


  1. Congratulations to all on the new cousin! With prayers for mom's recovery and a great start for mom & baby.

  2. Congratulations! I hope she's doing well.

    You know, you could talk to your doctor about scheduling you for a section on the 16th. Then again, major surgery for a reason like that is probably inadvisable... oh well.

  3. hooray!
    blessings and prayers for the entire family!

  4. Congratulations on the new cousin. Just because you want baby to arrive on the 16th means he/she probably won't. You know how these things go... (grin!)


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